Add your URL or Teaching Material to EDUVINET

We are very happy about every contribution to the EDUVINET Website. By extending the EDUVINET content you help to make the idea of cross-border and cross-curriculum teaching between schools in a European context more popular.

The first possibility to make a contribution is to add your own full text teaching materials to EDUVINET. You can either send us your materials as an e-mail attachment to or upload them directly in your own free webspace on the EDUVINET-Server. Please go to the EDUVINET authors section to get more information in this regard.

The second possibility to make a contribution is to add your link or a good link you know to the Website. Please use the form provided below to send us your links. We will review all submitted links before we will add them. So please understand that it may take a few days until your links actually appear in EDUVINET.


Thank you very much for visiting our Website. We invite you to add your own link or a good link you know to EDUVINET using the form provided below. Please do not forget to write a short comment for the link you are going to submit. You can furthermore paste full texts you might have and would like to have published here in the text field (last field). Of course you can send us full texts as E-Mail attachments to too. You will have to fill out all fields of the form (all fields are required). All materials and links you send us will first be reviewed and then uploaded to the EDUVINET Server. This process will take a few days.

Vielen Dank für Ihren Besuch auf unserer Website. Wir laden Sie dazu ein, Ihren eigenen Link oder einen guten Link, den Sie kennen zu EDUVINET hinzuzufügen, indem Sie dieses Formular benutzen. Bitte vergessen Sie nicht, einen kurzen Kommentar zu dem Link zu verfassen, den Sie uns schicken möchten. Sie können darüber hinaus Volltextmaterialien, die Sie hier publizieren wollen in das Textfeld einfügen (letztes Feld). Selbstverständlich können Sie uns auch Volltextmaterialien als E-Mail attachments senden an Sie müssen alle Felder des Formulars ausfüllen (kein Feld ist optional). Alle Materialien und Links, die Sie uns senden, werden erst von uns gesichtet und dann auf den EDUVINET Server geladen. Dieser Prozess kann einige Tage dauern.

Your Name and Organisation:
Your E-mail:
Your Link and/or Text:

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