Ordinamento del sistema scolastico italiano

English translation

Sent to us by Barbara Buddeke of Accademia Farnese, Caprarola and Stefania Fidanza, ITALY, 1997

Contribution to the EDUVINET "Living Conditions of EU Citizen" subject

3-5 anni Scuola materna.
Nursery school.

6-14 anni Scuola dell'obbligo:
Compulsory education

Scuola elementare: durata 5 anni
Primary school: duration 5 years

Scuola media inferiore: durata 3 anni,
Secondary school: duration 3 years,
possibilità interruzione studi,
afterwards you can stop or possibilità proseguimento studi; you can go on with another tipe of education:

Scuola Media superiore: si articola in vari tipi di scuole, che hanno fini, durata e piani di studio differenti:

Secondary high school: composed of different kind of schools with their own finality, duration and programmes:

1) Istruzione Artistica:
Accademia nazionale di arte drammatica, Accademia Naz. di danza, Conservatorio di musica, Ist. díArte, Liceo Artistico, Liceo Musicale.

1) Artistical education:
Nat. Accademy for drammatic art, Nat. Accademy for dance, Conservatory, School for art, Artistical high school, Musical high school.

2) Istruzione Tecnica:
Ist. tec. aeronautica, Ist. tec. Agrario, Ist. tec. periti aziendali e cor. lingue estere, Ist. tec. commerciale, Ist. tec. femminile, Ist. tec. per geometra, Ist. tec. industriale, Ist. tec. nautico, Ist. tec. turismo.

2) Technical education:
School for aviation, school for agronomics, school for expert in managment and school for correspondent in foreign languages, school for commercial techniques, school for feminine techniques, school for land surveyor, school for industrial techniques, school for nautical techniques, school for tourism.

3) Istruzione Umanistica:

Istruzione culturale: Liceo Classico, Liceo Scientifico, Liceo Linguistico. Istruzione pedagogica: Ist. Magistrale, Ist. Magistrale sperimentale.

3) Humanistical education:
-cultural education: classical high school, scientifical high school, high school for languages.
-pedagogical education: magisterial school and the experimental magisterial school.

4) Istruzione professionale:
Istituto professionale agricol. , alberghiero, alimentazione, cinematografia e televisione, commercio, femminile per industria e artigianato.

4) Professional education:
Professional school for agriculture, for hotel, for alimentation, for cinema and television, for commerce, for women for industry and handicraft.

5) Istruzione militare:
Scuola dellíAeronautica militare, Sc. dellíarma dei Carabinieri, Sc. militare dellíEsercito, Sc. della Guardia di Finanza, Sc. della Marina Militare, Sc.del Corpo delle Guardie di Pubblica Sicurezza.

5) Military education:
School for the Air Force, school for the Carabineers Service, school for the Army, school for the Revenue Guard Corps, school for the Navy, school for the National Guard.

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